RKN Accreditation
Shown below are the EQUiP™ modules for the RKN active container that individuals can gain accreditation for:

Training Methodology
You will receive an email once you have been assigned your modules that link to your lessons. Each lesson is taken on demand and can be accessed from any computer via the Internet. Each module has a single lesson and is designed to take approximately 30 minutes to complete but can be paused at any time. On successfully completing the module by passing the assessment, the lesson is removed from your assigned lessons.
Lesson Media:
- The condensed online lesson media will consist of text and images for each of the modules
- Some lessons may contain additional information, references and interactive learning.
- Copies of the full training EQUiP training media can be downloaded at the end of the lesson for additional study or to use for future reference.
Assessment for Learning:
- Each module utilized the same types of questions that will be used for the “Assessment for Record”.
- Extended time limit is given to complete the assessment for learning process.
- Results from the learning assessment are made available to yourself for review and are not visible to your company learning administrator.
- The learning assessment allows you to give feedback to CSafe or request calcification. This is important as it allows CSafe to continuously improve the training assessment process for all users.
Assessment for Record:
- Each Module utilizes the same type of questions used within the “Assessment for Learning”.
- Results from the assessment are made available to yourself and to your company learning administrators.
- The assessment record process will allow you to give feedback to CSafe at the end of the process. This is important as it allows CSafe to continuously improve the assessment for record process for all users.
- On successful completion of the assessment you will be issued a certificate for each accomplished module.
EQUiP™ Operative Accreditation
Within all organization are operatives that come into contact with the CSafe RKN on a daily basis. To help ensure a successful shipment, it is important that these operatives have the right knowledge and training to accomplish their roles in this important cool chain process.
The EQUiP™ training is designed to be flexible around the needs of both the organizations and the individual whether they operate in a Pharmaceutical, Freight Forwarder or Airline environment. To achieve this, the Operative Accreditation is broken into multiple modules designed to train the individual operatives on specific task and duties associated with their role or service they perform.
EQUiP-Elite™ Representative
The EQUiP-Elite program was developed to recognize key individuals within an organization that have exceptional industry knowledge/expertise and have completed all the EQUiP modules. To gain Elite Status, the nominated individual will be assessed on the following areas:
- Demonstrate (hands-on) full compliance, knowledge and understanding per the EQUiP modules 1-5 of the accreditation program.
- Demonstrate full understanding of all scheduled maintenance, inspections and airworthy requirements of the CSafe RKN.
- Receive instructor-led training (as required) by CSafe.
- Show instrumental involvement in completing/leading/participating in periodic operative assessments.
- Identifies and ensures proper module training is completed by operators within their organization.
Module 1 ~ RKN Product Overview Accreditation
Compulsory – All Users
Module 2 ~ Lease Processing Accreditation
Training for those responsible for Leasing CSafe Products
Module 3 ~ RKN Handling Accreditation
Training for those responsible for transporting the RKN
Module 4 ~ RKN Packout Accreditation
Training for those responsible for loading the RKN
Module 5 ~ RKN Shipment Activation & Termination Accreditation
Training for those responsible for starting & ending the shipment
Module 6 ~ RKN Serviceability Inspection & Testing Accreditation
Training for those responsible for servicing the RKN
Module A ~ EQUiP™ Company Compliance Assessment
Assessment for site or organization accreditation
EQUiP Training Support
For assistance or recommendations pertaining to the training content, please contact our EQUiP support team at EQUiP@CSafeLLC.com. For assistance with the registration and site access please contact the GISTnet staff at staff@gistnet.com or 310-376-3888.
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